2024-2025 School Goal
École South Park Elementary is located in Tsawwassen, Delta. Our school has over 400 students in 19 divisions; 7 English divisions and 12 Early French Immersion divisions. Our school is adjacent to South Delta Secondary School and is located very close to Winskill Aquatic Centre.
Building on the foundation that schools are learning places, we believe that all of us at the school are learners.
École South Park is a closely connected community. The parents at École South Park are an integral part of the team and we have a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) that is very supportive of our school community.
The Delta School District Vision 20230 guides our work and is rooted in what we hope for our learners.

Based on the Delta School District’s mission and values, École South Park staff have identified a school goal focusing on Math for the 2024-2025 school year.
Here is the link to see Delta’s Vision 2030, https://www.deltasd.bc.ca/district/our-vision/
Our Focus

As a staff, for the 2024-2025 school year, we are focusing on Math instruction using the Math Minds program. Our school goal and its process is rooted by using the spiral of inquiry as developed by Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser.
Why Math? We have noticed that there has not been a cohesive math program; especially one that is available in both French and English. As such, our staff agreed to undertake the learning to implement the Math Minds Program so that instruction and assessment in Math, whether it is in the EFI or English program, are consistent.
Our Focus Questions:
How will a strategic approach, focused on student learning in number and operations:
- Increase student engagement in math
- Deepen understanding of key number concepts
- Improve student achievement?
Will providing math instruction through structured inquiry using the Math Minds program lead to better understanding and improved mastery of mathematical concepts?
Our Learning
Staff have engaged in new professional learning through the use of our professional development days, lunch and learn sessions, and through our staff meetings. As well, time and opportunity have been provided for our staff to work with one another to collaborate and share their learning.