Parent Connect is a web based program that allows parents to view student attendance, report cards, and demographics. At the beginning of every school year, we ask parents/guardians to log on to Parent Connect to check and update information.
Should you need to change your child’s demographic information such as address and phone numbers, please contact the school office as this needs to be done by our office team.
To access parent connect, you will need your EMAIL ADDRESS (as defined in the student’s record) and PASSWORD. If you are first time user or have forgotten your password, simply click on the “Forgot My Password – Or retrieve initial password” link on the login page and it will be emailed to you.
Here is the link to Parent Connect:
Forms on Parent Connect:
At the beginning of every school year, we ask that parents log on to Parent Connect and access the forms folder.

Once in the Forms Folder, you will notice the following forms requiring you to review and or give consent. Please remember to hit the SAVE button after making any changes.

Demographic Information
Please take a moment to review your demographic information on Parent Connect. Any changes will need to be done with our office team. Please give our office a phone call to make any changes.
Student Emergency Release
In the event of an emergency resulting in school closure during the school day, and you are unable to collect your child(ren) from school, you authorize the release of your child(ren) into the custody of temporary adult guardians. The Out-of-Province contact name and telephone number would be used if local telephone service is disrupted.
B.C. Fruit and Vegetable Program Permission
Our school is involved in a province-widehealthy living initiative sponsored by B.C. Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation and ActNowBC. One of the goals is to encourage healthy eating by providing fresh B.C. fruits and vegetables to the students during classroom time. The students will receive picked, washed, and ready to enjoy produce several times a year.
Personal Information Consent Form
In accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 37 is seeking your consent to collect, retain, use and disclose photographs, videos, images and/or names of students and groups of students in a variety of publications and on the School District’s website(s) for educational purposes.
Walking Field Trips Permission
During the school year, teachers may take students for excursions in and around our neighbourhood. The teacher will provide supervision on these neighbourhood trips, with the assistance of parent volunteers, as required. When longer trips involving travel outside our local area are planned, you will be informed in writing and will be asked to sign a separate permission slip for each trip.
Google Apps for Education
Delta School District provides teachers and students access to a district managed Google Apps for Education (GAFE) account. This provides online collaboration and productivity tools to be used strictly for educational purposes. Your consent is required for an account to be created.
Please remember to hit the SAVE button after changes have been made.
Synching Passwords
If you are unable to see more than one child on your Parent Connect profile, the password has not been synced. Here are the instructions to do this.